Organic Sacha Inchi Oil

Sacha Inchi Oil with organic EU certificate.


Sacha inchi oil is one of the richest vegetable sources of omega-3, 6 and 9 in the world; even, above the so-called "blue fish" (those whose portion of fat inserted into the muscles is greater than 5%) Benefits of sacha inchi: Helps fight neurodegenerative conditions. Reduces fat levels in the blood. Contributes to normal blood flow, preventing possible cardiac disorders. It could prevent the appearance of abnormal cells. It works against dermatitis. We have USDA-NOP and EU organic certifications Our MOQ IS 100LT and presentation 50lt cylinders See our sustainable work with Sacha Inchi here:

  • Aceites vegetales
  • Organic Oil
  • High Omega
  • Sacha Inchi Supplier

Domain icon Fabricante/ Productor

15038 Lima - Perú


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